The Art of David Phillips
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    David Phillips for Hook and Line Magazine

    Recently my buddies at Hook and Line asked me to speak about my current favorite they are.....and yes the great Peter Lodato is #1:



    The Tallest Man on Earth "Theres No Leaving Now" - 2012 LP

    Did you recently Dutch Oven your partner in bed? Did you get a little too tipsy and make some harsh comments?....Have you got her/him (him for beau) flowers multiple times in a row?....Here's something original for that special person....The Tallest Man on Earth is a badass.....Matter of fact this kid is pouring his heart OUt...his most personal feelings right there in the song....And he makes it seem rad.....part Dylan/folk/acoustic luv songs/unique vox......damn good and super consistent at this point:


    The Tallest Man on Earth "1904" mp3

    The Tallest Man on Earth "Theres No Leaving Now" mp3




    Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros "Here" - 2012 LP

    Goodbye Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros....You've been great...You were the darlings of the underground press.....You made all of us sound so cool when we were the first of our friends to recommend you.....You made me wanna be a hippy....all over again.....I wanted to sell my car and travel by train....grow my hair long (again) and drink beer out a brown paper bag and finger bang hairy've been summonsed....The world needs you....Arenas need to be filled....The ranks of Arcade Fire and Coldplay await...Now, there is absolutley nothing wrong with that.....You've got to be a super talented badass band to get that big....This album is spectacular.....The soundtrack of summer 2012 fo'sho'.....In true Edward Sharpe style, these yippies deliver their message of peace, love, and beatles flawlessly.....And now they explode......Such a rad listen:



    Edward Sharp and The Magnetic Zeros "Fiya Wata" mp3

    Edward Sharp and The Magnetic Zeros "Dear Believer" mp3





    The Walkmen "Heaven" - 2012 LP

    I've been pretty adamant about my favorite album so far this year.....Father John Misty's "Fear Fun".  It's a mastpiece in the vien of a classic Neil Young album or Highway 61 Revisted....It's been the benchmark for me in 2012.....On my walk to the studio this morning I threw on the new Walkmen record....It's  close...Damn close, to the best album I've heard this year.....The Walkmen have grown up.....The Walkmen have a progression....starting with Bows & Arrows, then You and Me, then Heaven.....each album gets a little better.  Heaven sounds like it's title.....orchestral vox/great stories/wall'o sOUnd/modern indie rock/amazing arrangements.....Fleet Foxes, Robin Pecknold even sits in to sing on a track.....Now I wanna run to the studio....I wanna complete every half-way finished project all at once....and dear lawd is there a lot of ace on the Venice b-walk today...i wanna slap them all and take off running like a fiend...ha...oh mane...I've used that before...(who says that twice!?!?!?!).get this:



    The Walkmen "The Love You Love" mp3

    The Walkmen "Love is Luck" mp3

     BUY HERE:



    Otto Dix - A German Painter and Printmaker December 1891 – 25 July 1969

    wow....No matter how many artists, painters, musicians, I read about there are always ones you miss or just somehow have never heard of.....Otto Dix is one of those artists.  This German painter was waaaaaaayyyy ahead of his time and his influence is very evident today....a little Van Gogh a little Crumb: